2016 - ongoing
Stony Pass sand peel sculpture; whole rocks and gravel; collected September 7, 2020
Stony Pass sand peel sculpture; Mud empty and cracks; collected September 7, 2020
Medano Pass sand peel sculpture; poorly sorted, slightly transported weathered arkose ; collected September 15, 2020
Each sand peel is a unique indexical object taken from the sediment in a very specific point along the Rio Grande. Each specific point is a nexus of other points and lines that expand in many directions in time and space. This body of work investigates the human and natural/geologic relations that overlap and interlace along the body of the river. It attempts to unpack and reweave the human cultural and geopolitical stories and the story of the earth.
There are currently 11 sand peel sculptures collected from the upper Rio Grande river system. They embody the history of native peoples, Spanish colonization, manifest destiny, westward expansion, technological feats in the 19th and 20th centuries (i.e., the transcontinental railroad and the atomic bomb), water management and the eons-old interplay between land and water (billions of years).
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Sand Pit Great Sand Dunes National Park sand peel sculpture 4; sand; collected September 15, 2020
Sand Pit Great Sand Dunes National Park sand peel sculpture 5; sand; collected September 15, 2020
Sargent Pass sand peel sculpture 1; mancos shale; collected August 27, 2020
Sargent Pass sand peel sculpture 2; mud cracks; collected August 27, 2020
Buckman Diversion sand peel sculpture; sand and organic sediment; Collected July 17, 2020
Canada Ancho sand peel sculpture; very course sands and cobbles; collected April 27, 2016
Lamy sand peel sculpture 1; course sediment; collected August 29, 2019
Lamy sand peel sculpture 3; course to medium sediment and coal; collected August 29, 2019